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Liberty BASIC Resources - Bookmark this page!

There's a lot of cool resources available for Liberty BASIC programmers.  More to come!!

  Liberty BASIC help online
  Web Sites
  Open Source Projects

Liberty BASIC help online - We've put the entire documentation set for one of our products online.  Click here to check it out!


Liberty BASIC Pro - Now you can keep multiple versions of your code, automatically generate applications with all required resource files, visually compare different source files, find slow code in your programs and automatically format your code using Liberty BASIC! Pro

Click to learn more

LB Workshop - This great tool is brought to you by Alyce's Restaurant.  It is an editor, graphical user interface builder and more! You use LB Workshop to design the GUI and write your code, and it then launches Liberty BASIC and runs your program.  It can even run the debugger!  Free trial version

Learn more here:


Beginning Programming with Liberty BASIC is written by the author of Liberty BASIC, Carl Gundel.  This 201 page book is perfect for the complete beginner or for the casual programmer who wants to get up to speed with Liberty BASIC.  Learn programming essentials and how to work with graphics, GUIs, and files.  Buy it online now at

Beginning Programming for Dummies 3rd Edition by popular author and columnist Wallace Wang. This book presents a general introduction using Liberty BASIC examples. The book includes a CDROM with the trial version of Liberty BASIC and other goodies. Read about the book or order it here:

SAMS Teach Yourself Beginning Programming in 24 Hours by Greg Perry, the author of the best selling QBasic book ever "QBasic by Example". This book uses Liberty BASIC as an introduction to programming.  Read about the book or order it here:


APIs for Liberty BASIC by Alyce Watson.  This fantastic ebook unleashes the amazing power of how to use Windows operating system API calls using Liberty BASIC. 
Get your copy here!


Web sites

Alyce's Restaurant
The mother of all Liberty BASIC web sites!  Full of help files, tools, games, and more!

The LBNews home page archive
This is where you can get all that famous LBNews info!  There are more than 100 issues, jam packed with great technical, informational and how-to info!

The Liberty BASIC Programmers Encyclopedia
This is where you can get all that famous LBNews info!  There are more than 100 issues, jam packed with great technical, informational and how-to info!  Temporarily unavailable

The Liberty BASIC page on Rosetta Code
This is a cool resource which shows how to solve many kinds of programming problems in many languages, and they have a page for Liberty BASIC!


Liberty BASIC comes with a solid tutorial, but there's none so solid as Alyce's Liberty BASIC tutorials:

If you want your web site or tutorial considered for this listing, contact me at!

Open Source Projects - Open source projects provide a way for many people to develop software together.  Sometimes the code is released to the public domain, and sometimes the original developer places restrictions on how the software can be distributed, or on how it is used (read the license, if there is one).

LBPP - This is an open source project that translates Liberty BASIC code to C, targeting Linux and Windows!

Learn more here: